Adult Programs
Men's Breakfast Group
Leader: Rich Crowe

The Men's Breakfast Group meets every Wednesday morning from 7:00am - 8:00am for breakfast at the Ringwood Luncheonette - all are welcome.
Hiking Group
Leader: Colin Lauder

Our hiking club meets once a month, weather depending. The hikes vary in difficulty, all are local. If you are interested in learning more about the hikes or being included on the emails, email the church office manager for more information.
Church Library

We have a large variety of books avaiable to borrow right inside the church on the way to the Sanctuary. If you wish to access these books during the week, reach out to the office manager to set up a time.
Bridge Club

We hope to bring back our Wednesday evening Bridge Group. If you are interested in starting this group back up, we have the space and supplies! Email the church office to discuss.
Groups who use the church
Ringwood Community Garden
Leader: Nancy Lavoie

The Ringwood Community Garden is housed behind our church building and has plots available to tend with access to sun and water. If you are interested in renting a plot, reach out to the church office manager for more information.